For the following questions, please get in touch with the contacts specified:
If you have questions on specific cases and require information on unemployment benefit, insolvency compensation, or claiming (application and calculation) short-time working compensation and bad-weather compensation, please contact your chosen unemployment insurance fund.
If you have questions regarding advance notification of short-time working, please contact the competent cantonal office.
If you have any questions about the services of the RAV (efforts to find work, the form ‘Details of insured person’, requests relating to registering or deregistering job vacancies), please contact the RAV.
For technical questions regarding Job-Room and eServices as well as in the event of problems signing on and registering in Job-Room, please contact:
You can request your personal data or documents in connection with unemployment insurance (UI) and public employment services from the regional employment centre (RAV) responsible for your case and from your unemployment insurance fund. If you are no longer registered with a regional employment centre, please send your request by post to the following address:
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Labour Market/Unemployment Insurance
Holzikofenweg 36
3003 Bern
For all other questions, please use the contact form for the attention of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).