Bundesgesetz über die Arbeitsvermittlung und den Personalverleih (Arbeitsvermittlungsgesetz, AVG)
Bundesgesetz über den Allgemeinen Teil des Sozialversicherungsrechts (ATSG)
Bundesgesetz über die Unfallversicherung (UVG)
Bundesgesetz über Überbrückungsleistungen für ältere Arbeitslose (ÜLG)
Verordnung über die Arbeitsvermittlung und den Personalverleih (Arbeitsvermittlungsverordnung, AVV)
Verordnung über den Allgemeinen Teil des Sozialversicherungsrechts (ATSV)
Verordnung des WBF über die Vergütung von arbeitsmarktlichen Massnahmen
Verordnung über die Unfallversicherung (UVV)
Verordnung über die obligatorische berufliche Vorsorge von arbeitslosen Personen
Verordnung über Überbrückungsleistungen für ältere Arbeitslose (ÜLV)
Explanatory reports on the COVID-19 emergency ordinances in the area of unemployment insurance
March/April 2020: Ordinance of 25 March 2020 on Measures related to the Job Vacancy Registration Requirement in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (unofficial translation; repealed in June 2020)
Explanatory report (PDF, 187 kB, 15.06.2021)
March/April 2020: Ordinance on Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) on Short-Time Working Compensation and the Payment of Social Insurance Contributions (unofficial translation; repealed in September 2020)
Explanatory report (PDF, 210 kB, 15.06.2021)
March/April 2020: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (unofficial translation)
Explanatory report (PDF, 238 kB, 15.06.2021)
August 2020: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (unofficial translation)
Explanatory report (PDF, 214 kB, 15.06.2021)
October 2020: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (unofficial translation)
Explanatory report (PDF, 210 kB, 15.06.2021)
November 2020: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) and Ordinance on Compulsory Unemployment Insurance and Insolvency Benefits (unofficial translation)
Explanatory report (PDF, 231 kB, 15.06.2021)
January 2021: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) and Ordinance on Compulsory Unemployment Insurance and Insolvency Benefits (unofficial translation)
Explanatory report (PDF, 219 kB, 15.06.2021)
March 2021: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) and Ordinance on Compulsory Unemployment Insurance and Insolvency Benefits (unofficial translation)
Explanatory report (PDF, 172 kB, 15.06.2021)
June 2021: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) and Ordinance on Compulsory Unemployment Insurance and Insolvency Benefits (unofficial translation)
Explanatory report (PDF, 921 kB, 22.06.2021)
January 2022: Ordinance on Unemployment Insurance Measures in Connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) and Ordinance on Compulsory Unemployment Insurance and Insolvency Benefits
Explanatory report (PDF, 1 MB, 26.01.2022)
International legislation