Ukraine war – information for jobseekers and employers

On 12 March 2022, the Federal Council activated protection status S for people fleeing Ukraine. People with protection status S can sign on with the RAV employment service. Information on the Ukraine war and on protection status S can be found in the Questions and answers on the website of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) and the leaflet Working in Switzerland for people with protection status S.

Information for jobseekers

Signing on with a regional employment centre (RAV)

The RAVs are on hand to help refugees enter the labour market. To ensure the RAV can provide the best possible support to those affected, basic language skills are needed. Please find out from the contact point in your canton about language courses on offer before you sign on with the RAV.

You’ll find information on signing on with the RAV on in the section Unemployed - what do I do?. If you have questions about the employment service, the competent RAV will be pleased to help.

Labour market measures (LMM)

People with protection status S may in some circumstances be eligible to participate in LMMs to brush up their skills or expertise through a training measure or to gain work experience through an employment measure.

You’ll find general information on the LMMs in the section Labour market measures. If you have questions about specific measures, the competent RAV will be pleased to help.

Information for employers

Work permits

In order to employ a person with status S, employers have to submit an application. The cantonal authority will then check whether the salary and working conditions that are customary for the location and sector are complied with and that the person’s qualifications match the job profile.  

Authorisation is required for refugees to change jobs and can be granted if the employer has submitted an application and the salary and working conditions that are customary for the location and sector are complied with.

Please contact the contact point in your canton for more information on work permits.

Job registration requirement

People with protection status S have the same access to job vacancies registered with the RAV as all other jobseekers who have signed on. All jobseekers who have signed on with the public employment service can therefore benefit from the job registration requirement. The same regulations apply to jobs specifically aimed at people with protection status S as for other jobs.  

You’ll find information on the job registration requirement in the section Job registration requirement. If you have questions about the job registration requirement, the competent RAV will be pleased to help.